Student Spotlight: May 2021


Monmouth Academy of Ballet’s Spotlight is shining on our ballet dancer, Nyla! She is 12 years old and is a 6th grader. She has trained in ballet for 10 years.

Check out Nyla’s Spotlight below!

Nyla – center


How many hours of ballet class do you take each week?

I attend 10 hours of class each week. Rehearsals for RAD and the spring performance are additional hours and change from week to week.


How old were you when you started taking ballet classes?

I was 2 years old when I started ballet classes.



What motivated your early interest in dancing/ballet??

At first I was probably motivated by wearing a leotard and tutu! But I also loved to twirl around and dance all the time. We would have dance parties in my kitchen and I was so excited the first time I actually went to a dance school, wearing ballet slippers and a leotard. My mom says I had to wear a tutu every day until I was 3 or 4 years old! Now I love ballet because it is a challenge and there are always things I can improve on every time I show up to dance!


What do you want to be when you grow up?

When I was really little I wanted to be Cinderella when I grew up. My interests have changed since then. At one point I wanted to be a doctor, but now the more I am dancing and learning, the more I want to become a professional ballerina.


What do you like to do when you are not dancing?

When I am not dancing, I like to be with my friends, read, camp and play outside. I also love being in scouts. Not only am I a Girl Scout, but I especially like being in an all girls Boy Scout Troop!



Why did you choose MAB as your dance school?

I chose MAB because it has the best people ever! The teachers and everyone there are awesome. I have known Miss Ellen for as long as I can remember, and I have made my closest friends there. MAB feels like family to me. I love it!


Have you participated in MAB’s Spring Performance and/or Royal Academy of Dance examinations? What would you like to tell us about those experiences?

I have performed in two of MAB’s Spring Performances: Snow White and 5 Pieces. I have also participated in 5 RAD examinations. I was nervous at first, but then I loved all of these experiences! It took a lot of hard work, but it was so much fun along the way that all my nervousness was worth it. I have learned so much from participating in the performances and RAD exams.


What is your favorite ballet?

So far I have loved every ballet I have seen! I have seen Nutcracker the most, and I always love it every time. Swan Lake is another favorite!


Do you have additional information you would like to share with Student Spotlight?

I am so thankful that MAB re-opened after quarantine. It is my exercise and my connection with friends. MAB is like a second home to me!


Stay tuned for next month’s Monmouth Academy of Ballet Student Spotlight!


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