Q: What performance opportunities are available to students?
A: Each year we present a Spring Concert that concludes our annual class program. It is a voluntary opportunity for students to demonstrate their progress to family and friends. Students may also elect to take a Royal Academy of Dance Examination, which is an individual performance before an RAD examiner that provides an objective assessment of progress.

Q: Do you have recitals?
A: We do not. Our Spring Concert could be called a recital given the dictionary definition of the word. However we’ve chosen alternate terminology to avoid the negative impressions many dance moms have come to associate with the phrase  “dance recitals”.  Click here to read what one dance mom has to say!

Q: Have I missed the opportunity to register my child for dance class?
A: No. Monmouth Academy of Ballet has an open enrollment policy so it is never too late to sign-up for classes.

Q: What is your the cancellation policy?
A: If you must cancel your enrollment, we will not refund any portion of registration and tuition paid.

Q: Do you offer private lessons?
A: Yes. Please contact Miss Ellen to learn more!

Q: Do you have class trips?
A: Yes. Each fall we organize an opportunity for students and parents to join us for a live performance of the New York City Ballet at Lincoln Center. This is great fun for everyone, but a real discovery for young students (and some parents) who are seeing their first professional ballet performance.

Q: What if my child needs to miss a class?
A: Students’ class attendance is very important for their continued development. If an absence is necessary, please let us know as soon as possible by email, text or phone. It is your responsibility to arrange for a make-up class within 30 days of the absence.

Q: Do you ever cancel a class and if you do how will I know?
A: If inclement weather or other circumstances require a studio closing we will inform you by email.

Q: Do you require students to participate in competitions?
A: We do not participate in dance competitions. Their purpose, as well as  their time and expense, are not consistent with our mission.


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